About Us

Kings Mountain Detox is a nutrition consultancy run by Lynn Preece, Nutritional Therapist, SNHS Dip Nutrition (Advanced Nutrition).

Working in health and wellness is the culmination of many years’ passion and experience, encompassing organic gardening and a very healthy vegetarian catering business prior to studying nutrition. I have spent the last fifteen years helping families take those small steps that make the big difference for a life of health, vitality and purpose. The essence of my wholistic philosophy is encapsulated in the book “It’s All Good!: Your ‘No Stress’ Guide to Mega Health”.

This passion for learning and educating is driven largely by my personal journey as a wife and mother as I seek answers to our own health challenges.

My family and I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and love the outdoor coastal lifestyle. Barefoot beach walks and enjoying our home grown produce are some of the simple pleasures we enjoy.  I am so blessed to have a husband who loves to grow things and a daughter who loves to cook things.

It is my prayer that I can guide and encourage you to make better choices, to live the life of health, beauty and vitality that God has planned for you.

Please contact me if I can be of  service to you and your family,

Yours in good health,




  1. HCG Detox and Fat Release Program
  2. Gut Health programs
  3. 5:2 Fasting Program and Keto Diet
  4. Anti-Candida Diets
  5. General Nutrition Consulting and Health Education
  6. Bowel, Liver and Parasite Cleanse
  7. Gall Bladder Cleanse
  8. Oral Chelation Therapy for heart health and eliminating heavy metals

We also recommend a range of luxurious personal care products that are free of any nasty chemicals